Hiking & Biking Trails

    Looking for all kinds of Hiking and Biking Trails, we have them in the Northwood's. There are miles and miles of fantastic picturesque trails to explore from St. Germain, Wisconsin to Boulder Jct. to Eagle River. Discover them for yourself with the family while lodging with us at Black Bear Lodge Resort. We can put together the perfect package for you.

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Hiking & Biking Trails

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Side Step Cards

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Side Step Cards

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Wanted: to rent or buy a new life

    Hello World!
    Am placing an ad for a new life…
    Like most people am in quest of the idyllic and utopian goal of my life…
    2010-04-15 writing cartoon-Pardon My Planet
    Always lost in my dreams and fantasies where I yearn to be somewhere else, someone else living something else…
    I wish I was able to connect and plug into the real world…be happy…find my place..and live…
    But am evading somewhere else where I dream that Mauritius still has some of its exotic fauna and flore and beauty like the Polynesian islands…

    that make its pride …and not the concrete and cold buildings and shopping malls mushrooming everywhere…
    Live somewhere where there won’t be any rush, stress, and the crescendo run or race of the money culture, hypocrisy and fear…
    And be myself for once…

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Wanted: to rent or buy a new life

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Five Petal Card and/or Exploding Flower Card

    This file is the simple five petal card which when folded, leaves a pentagon shape. If you make them in different sizes(I did them one inch apart(2,3,4...7) and then attach in the middle, you can make something that looks like this when open:

    and still closes up to look like this:

    so you can tuck it into an envelope.
    Of course, you would probably have a mesage or greeting and some embellishments if you were going to use this as a card. This was just a test! I used 3 double sided pieces of card stock for this flower to quickly create this masterpiece. 

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Five Petal Card and/or Exploding Flower Card

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    When closed it looks like this:

    This box opens to reveal a window with hidden treats.


    I added an optional cover with a scalloped edge.

    Here is how it looks in the file and you can use the picture to figure out how to assemble. I don't like to cut all the fold lines because it takes the cricut so long. The box will turn out better if you use a scorepal or something to score the box on the fold lines. I just use the edge of my desk!

    .(finished box is about 3.23 inches square)

    Fold on fold lines. Make window by folding inside of window to back of box. Add piece of acetate to back of window. Make into box, gluing the sides. Fold in top and bottom flaps. Fill with candy. Add cover by gluing.There is a perforated fold line on the cover if you look closely.

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Snowmobile Hall of Fame

    We had a guest staying at Black Bear Lodge Resort, who always comes up to snowmobile but never has time to visit the Snowmobile Hall of Fame, ask if it was open in the summer? Yes, the International Snowmobile Hall of Fame, in St. Germain, Wisconsin is open year round to take your family through. It is dedicated to preserving and highlighting the rich and exciting history of snowmobiling at both the recreational and competitive levels. As you might already know, Great Uncle Carl Eliason invented the snowmobile! Discover all the great area activities in the Northwoods.

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Snowmobile Hall of Fame

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Awning Cards: Ice Cream and Bakery

    Today's cards are "awning" cards. We make a little awning and a shelf, load up our goodies. put a sign out, and we are open for business!

    There is even a sentiment to cut inside.

    This file has everything you need to make TWO cards, except for the card base. Make the card bases by cutting an 8.5 x 11 piece of card stock in half at 5.5 inches, and then folding it in half.. Make the awning by alternating the pink stripes onto the white awning. FOld at 1/4 inch then 3/4 inch below that. One fold is "up" one is down.
    Attach awning with glue to top of card.  On store front bottom, fold over scallops to make a "shelf", glue onto bottom of card. Add the store sign if you want. Stock your store. I added a bow just below the shelf. You could decorate your cupcakes or ice cream tops with a little crystal glitter. I used pop up dots to put the tops onto the bottoms, for a little more dimensions.

    You are going to want to add this one to your card collection and it is free!

    Download file

    Now that i've made the files, you can churn these out(little ice cream pun) quickly.  Make other stores, like pet stores or shoes(Remember that wc fetish  btfont with all the shoes in it?) I used cooper flaired font for my store names.

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Awning Cards: Ice Cream and Bakery

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Canoe the Northwoods

    Looking for a fun event to do with the family while on vacation in the beautiful Northwood's? Try your hand at Canoe, Kayak, Rafting or Tubing from Hawk's Nest Canoe Outfitters. It is a short drive from the Black Bear Lodge, just 8 miles from St. Germain on Hwy 70 East.

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Canoe the Northwoods

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50th Wedding Anniversary

    Recently we had a Family Reunion staying at the Black Bear Lodge Resort, where the parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! Everyone had a great time on their vacation, on Little St. Germain Lake, swimming, golfing and exploring the Northwood's. We invite you to celebrate your special event/family reunion with us!

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50th Wedding Anniversary

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Istället för inspiration: stöld.

    Jag försvinner iväg för att gräva i SVT-arkiv ett par-tre dagar. På en post-it-lapp bredvid mej har jag skrivit "Alf Svensson - liknelser", "reportage om Wibbles Två cigg-bok?", "Jan-Erik Wikström - rolig röst (för billigt?)", "halmhattskampanjen", "Schlaug läser ur sina memoarer?" och "Sahlin pratar om att älska grejer - många klipp", så tydligen ska det på nåt vis handla om valet.

    Är det förresten nån som kommer ihåg den där bilden från en moderatdemo där en tjock mustaschman stod i fokus, och som jag vill minnas ledde till irritation inom partiet eftersom man inte ville att den gubben skulle representera partiet, så skriv en kommentar eller mejla lagomtjock@yahoo.se. Tack.

    Därefter drar jag till Gotland, dit ju Internet inte har kommit (ett av skälen att Lasse Åberg trivs så bra där). Med detta sagt: det kommer att bli ännu glesare mellan inläggen här veckorna framöver. Vill ni roa er med obskyra gubbar i Nöjessverige under tiden, så skickade min fellow nerd Fredrik af Trampe en länk till Bengt Sändhs postorderfirma (TILLÄGG: länken borttagen eftersom den infekterats).

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Istället för inspiration: stöld.

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Brick Mosaic Card or Cut

    I was playing around with making a brick wall effect for my card. I saw the technique over on splitcoaststampers. Of course, they cut everything by hand. Technique at Split Coast Stampers

    Using the Cricut, you can cut your "bricks" and make a template to glue them onto easily.

    First find a suitable image or stamp something like a vine and flowers onto some card stock.

    Put it "upside down" on your cricut mat and cut. Number the squares just in case. Remove the mortar between the bricks(weed out the borders).

    Then put the background piece of paper on your mat. Set the pressure to LOW so that the blade will just scrape the paper, leaving a mark but not cutting all the way through. This will give you a template to glue your bricks onto. IT will help you get the vertical and horizontal spacing and alignment correct. You could use some ink to create interest on the edges of each brick if you want.

    Here is the result. I just used a piece of cardstock that had an image on it. I don't have any large stamps.This paper was on clearance at Michaels for 7/$1.00.

    There are lots more examples over at splitcoaststampers.

    Another example before I made the bricks closer together.


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Brick Mosaic Card or Cut

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Avdelningen Berätta Nåt Mer Jag Redan Vet.

    Tidskriften Konst är ny på marknaden och öppnar med ett riktigt scoop.

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Avdelningen Berätta Nåt Mer Jag Redan Vet.

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entry 229

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entry 229

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