Horsey Movies

    Besides being companionable and majestic creatures, horse make great subjects for movies.  Who doesn't love a good horse movie? No one, that's who! Horses rock as actors. Think about it - have you ever seen a horse acting unnaturally, unhorselike? Do they flub their lines, miss their cues, and obsess over their weight? Neigh! Uh, I mean Nay!
    In honor of tomorrow's Kentucky Derby, I wanted to present my favorite horse movies. I'm a big fan of Westerns, but I limited my choices for this list to movies that primarily focus on the Awesome Equine. 

    Hyperion's Favorite Horsey Flicks

    #5  SEABISCUIT - True story; my dad used to frequently name our cars "Seabiscuit." Until the movie, I never knew why. (Read Hyperion's Review)

    #4  A DAY AT THE RACES - True, not primarily about Horses, but since it's the Marx Bros. we can let that slide. 

    #3  THE BLACK STALLION - I can still vividly remember the day I first saw this. We didn't have a VCR, and had to rent that as well as the movie. My brother and I watched it 6 times in a day before my dad had to take it back. 

    #2  HIDALGO - Kick-ass horse racing movie (with some Indiana Jones action thrown in!) AND...I used to live 10 miles from the horse. You may not care about that, BUT I DO! (Read Hyperion's Review)

    and Hyperion's favorite movie about Horses is......

    #1  THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER  - This is the first film I can remember thinking of as "My Favorite Movie," and I felt that way for a long time. Yes, the sweet innocence might seem dated by today's standards, and might even play as a Very Special Episode of "Touched by a Stallion," but growing up I was enraptured. Sniff sniff. 

    See Hyperion's List of BEST HORSE-FACED MOVIES

    SPECIAL NOTE - The "ads" are a new thing Amazon offers through Blogger. In theory I get paid a small % if you use that link to buy something. I have no idea how it works yet, so this is just an experiment. Believe me, I will never "go commercial," but if there is a way to recommend films and get a small cut of that - AND STILL KEEP MY INTEGRITY - then I may keep it. If it's a distraction or leads to corruption I won't do it. I may get next-to-no traffic, and no one cares, but I care! To that end, if you have an opinion on the ads, please leave a comment about it or write me an email: -HypeyHorse

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