The Art of Village Life

    Today I went to my uncle place... he happens to live on one of the villages found on the western coast...
    Don’t know about but think in Mauritius, we no more have the once folkloric pittoresque villages...the villages are long gone and small miniature towns are making with their entry ….
    But today was the perfect time to relax a bit and to break away from home and dissert...the sun was not that harsh (kinda gloomy weather) accompanied with sea breeze and the best part: peace and no continuous cars horning but just nature and a relative calmness....
    I always love travelling on the western coast...not only for the beautiful villas or bungalows at Tamarin or Riviere Noire but love watching the mountains, sugarcane fields and the panoramic view that the sea offers (perfect still picture or image with boats far away in the background) just wish at such time that you were in those boats sailing away...
    And on such trip, my dad and uncle and cousins would be narrating their stories when they were young and how naughty and mischievous they were and how life was in Mauritius at such time...
    Well really love those flashback learn so many things about our folklore culture, lifestyle and stories...
    There would be also some anecdotes ...for e.g. about the family bring and share and which my cousin refers as eat and run whenever he would be going to his in-laws he would be going empty hand and then eat very rapidly and also dash rapidly... or eat and sleep ....really got a mega LOL when he told us that....
    Things I love in the Western villages:
    • A complete different mood and atmosphere from Quatre Bornes...
    • Just love the peaceful silence and nature (even the sun and heat kinda terrible without forgetting our friend mosquito)
    • Just love the coastal area esp the sea (haven’t forget about the tsunami threat)
    • You can some cycling without looking bizarre
    • Your relatives you once saw in a while are always welcoming...always giving you gifts asking you to come again and over again...warm and nice hospitality
    • People greet each other more warmly and everyone know each other
    So that was my day in a village on the Western coast.....
    Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
    Dalai Lama

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The Art of Village Life

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Så sorgligt.

    Man trodde ju att han kunde överleva på royalties. Den där Meryl Streep-musikalen gick väl bra? Annars borde ju Björn kunna låna honom nån överbliven mille.

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Så sorgligt.

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Local Girl Representing US in Hockey!!

    The girl's Olympic hockey team is playing tonight at 5:00. Show your patriotism by watching and cheering them on. Our own local girl Jinelle Zaugg from Eagle River will be playing tonight. Go Girls!!!!

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No Name Fishing Club

    We would like to welcome back the guys from the No Name Fishing Club. Good luck fishing guys!!! Hope you catch your limit.

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No Name Fishing Club

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Paj åt hungrig haj.

    Går man in i SVT-arkivets sökbas (vilket man kan göra om man jobbar på Sveriges Radio, vilket är ett bidragande skäl att jag gör just det) kan man hitta alla program som nånsin gjorts av och sänts i Sveriges Television. Själv sitter jag ofta som vargen i en Tex Avery-film med ögonen spretande ur hålorna och underkäken i knäet och dreglar över saker jag omedelbart känner att jag måste få se innan jag dör.

    Problemet är att en massa program inte finns på vhs utan måste ses i olika sorters filmprojektorer som jag inte har tillgång till och som jag omöjligt kan övertala Sveriges Radio - som metodiskt gjort sej av med grammofoner och rullbandspelare - att införskaffa.

    Jag får alltså nöja mej med att läsa de utförliga, men ändå märkligt neutrala, programbeskrivningarna. Det är många gånger en fröjd bara det.

    20 maj 1968 - Året Då Margareta Garpe Intog Kårhuset - sändes barnprogrammet "Paj åt hungrig haj". Det gjordes av Gunila Ambjörnson, för mej mest känd som en av hjärnorna bakom Ville, Valle & Viktor (och för att hon fattas ett l i sitt förnamn), och Carin Mannheimer, känd för att ha gjort knäckebröd till teveteater och vunnit folkets hjärtan på köpet.

    Utan att ha sett programmet vågar jag påstå att det var så kallat vänstervridet.

    Enligt arkivet inleds det med "Barn, och skådespelarna Kent Andersson och Ingwar Hirdwall" - vid tillfället anställda på Göteborgs stadsteater a.k.a. Pekingoperan, där de varit med och utvecklat de samhällskritiska gruppjäserna Sandlådan, Flotten, Hemmet och Tillståndet.

    Beskrivningen fortsätter:

    Barn leker med dockor, frimärken, klättrar i träd. Gatuupploppsbilder ur Akt. 19580904, Akt. 19660606. Barnen gör demonstrationsplakat. Barnen intervjuas om vad demonstration är. l:a maj demonstration ur Akt. 19670501. Pojke leker i sandlåda. Barnen fortsätter göra plakat och intervjuas om vad de vet om Sverige.

    Programmet ger intrycket av att vara associativt berättat och redigerat. Demonstrationsbilderna som verkar ha dykt upp från ingenstans övergår i Hasse Alfredsons Blommig falukorv-visa, illustrerad "med pojke som tackar nej till olika maträtter hans mamma serverar, han får falukorvring med majblommor nerstuckna".

    Från temat mat och - gissar jag - västvärldens kräsenhet - glider ämnet över på fördelningspolitik:

    Barnen int. om fattiga och rika länder. Kent Andersson och Ingwar Hirdwall illustrerar vad som inte år jämlikhet. Kent Andersson rider på Ingvar Hirdwall. 'Ryttaren' sätter sig vid bord och dricker och äter gott och 'hästen' får ingenting. Stillbilds -montage, olika barn över hela världen. Barnen demonstrerar på Göta-platsen med sina plakat (ljudet: Internationalen).

    Och sen är avsnittet slut.

    Det verkar på ett vis ha varit ett ganska inspirerat program med sin collageaktiga stil, fjärran från andra likstela barnsändningar med svartvita foton av mögelhus, entoniga berättare och kinesiska tvärflöjter på ljudbandet. På ett annat vis kan väl ingen anklaga det för saklighet och objektivitet.

    I sextitalets slut och sjuttitalets början pratades det mycket om statstelevisionens påstådda vänstervridning. Det är svårt att hitta motargument när man rotar i vad som faktiskt visades: det var röda tider, åtminstone på barnprogramsidan. Sen kan man alltid hävda att public service i och med det utgjorde en motvikt till de borgerliga idéer som uttrycktes i de flesta pappersmedia.

    Men ett faktum är ofrånkomligt: dåförtiden hade staten monopol på etermedia. Jag kan som sagt förstå högerfolk som irriterade sej.

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Paj åt hungrig haj.

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Ohämmad reklam för ett idiotprojekt.

    Jag har en vän som inte är klok. Han ser, enligt en annan vän, ut som hela Ramones på en gång. Istället för att skaffa sej ett hederligt knäck driver han en gratistidning i Ystad om obskyr pop, bortglömda filmer och Jonas Hallbergs senaste funderingar (och jepp, de kretsar ganska ofta kring retorik).

    Det är naturligtvis inget man blir fet på. Mycket riktigt är karln mager som en trana.

    Han är en så kallad Eldsjäl. Han lyckas få upptagna och eftertraktade individer att ta av sin dyrbara tid för att jobba gratis åt honom. Är han sugen på att publicera texter av Noam Chomsky så mejlar han Noam Chomsky och får naturligtvis ja. Vill han förbättra formen på tidningen hör han naturligtvis av sej till HC och Eric Ericson, stjärnskotten i den branschen.

    Karln heter Lars Yngve - ett namn helt i linje med resten av människan. Tidningen heter Nya Upplagan och finns - för er som inte orkar ta er till ICA i Brösarp eller till bagaren i Enskede som är det enda upphämtningsstället i 08-regionen - numera också på nätet.

    Bland pennfäktarna hittar man, förutom Hallberg och Chomsky, Bono, Iben Hjejle, Susanna Alakoski, Jonas Jonasson
    (bob hund), Sanna Persson-Halapi, Martin Kristenson (Kapten Stofil) och - som löken på laxen, smutsen på fönstret, fläcken på kashmirtröjan - Kalle Lind.

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Ohämmad reklam för ett idiotprojekt.

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Good Bye Amarte asi, Frijolito Welcome El Diablo...

    Hello World!
    Last Friday, Amarte asi, Frijolito ended (well like always on a happy ending)....finally Ignacio was able to marry Margarita...but kinda felt sorry for Francisco, he was the only one alone without a partner in the last shoot....
    So since yesterday, Más Sabe el Diablo has made its entry....
    In Más Sabe el Diablo, we will be having as leading actress Gabriela Espino (she plays the role of Luna in the telenovela LUNA LA HEREDERA.)
    and as leading actor Jencarlos Cadena .....
    Más Sabe el Diablo theme revolves around crime and street gangs where the leading actor is himself a thief...well this telenovela appears quite promising....
    • Plot:
    The story starts on Esperanza Salvador, working as the maid in the Acero household in Mexico where she turns to be pregnant for the son of the household. The Acero family and especially Graciela, Martín's mother, disapprove and takes Esperanza to an abortion clinic. Esperanza escapes the abortion clinic with the help of the driver and goes to a Graciela's friend's home.
    Determined to fight for Martín's love, Esperanza steals money, her passport, and visa and escapes to New York City to search for Martín Acero. But Esperanza's life turns upside down when a group of men steal her purse with her money, passport, and visa.
    Left with nothing, Esperanza gave birth to a baby son Ángel and raise him in New York.
    Years later, the streets become a second home for Ángel, where everyone knows him as the Devil (El Diablo) for his traffic as a thief which in the end he pays for with a jail sentence. He then meets Manuela Dávila, an attractive lawyer, who represents him in his case. She pleads with the judge to let him go free and give him a new opportunity to start a new life.
    But everything changes when he returns to the Cave (La Cueva), a bar where Ángel lives where he discovers that his mother is indebted to León, the leader of the gang he has always worked for. León had paid for Ángel's mother’s medical expenses while he was in jail, and the only way to repay the debt is for Ángel to be involved in a robbery at a charity event.
    Ángel and the rest of the gang have to steal jewellery from the show room. Unable to refuse León's requirements, Ángel's only option is to organize the robbery. However, fate plays a trick of love when that night changes his life forever.
    Have found some interesting summary of the whole of Más Sabe el Diablo
    Check it down,telenovelas-2009,305476.html,el-diablo,339532.html

    Well today I end on the last chapter of Amarte asi, Frijolito (gonna miss Frijolito)

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Good Bye Amarte asi, Frijolito Welcome El Diablo...

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Spring Break Getaway!

    Looking for a spring break getaway? March 15th-April 30th we are offering a great package for you and your family to enjoy. You can choose to stay 2 nights and get 1night free or stay for a week and only pay for 4 nights. Plus you get one of the following activities on us: FREE admission to the Northwood's Children ...Museum or FREE bowling or FREE movie passes for the entire family. Call for more information. (1-800-563-4340)

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Spring Break Getaway!

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Avdelningen Bisarra Censuringrepp del 2: det påhittade menstruella blodet.

    I den senaste i den långa raden av hela-historien-om-Monty-Python-intervjuer – dvd-boxen ”Almost the truth – The Lawyer´s cut” – får vi åter igen anekdoterna, skrönorna, påståendena som raskt blir motsagda av nån annan. Det är en fröjd att titta på brittiska välformulerade gentlemen med de grå tinningarnas charm som lägger ut texten om silly walks och dead parrots.

    Jag har hört allt men hör det gärna igen. Jag gillar att notera hur Monty Python för John Cleese har varit ömsom en boja och ömsom en trampolin, för Terry Jones själva meningen med livet och för Eric Idle några glada struttiga minnen från en påtagligt flydd ungdom.

    De mest fascinerande anekdoterna handlar om censur. Särskilt Terrierna Jones och Gilliam hade uppenbara auktoritetsproblem och slogs med näbbar och klor för varje deciliter blod och varje sexuell antydan. Graham Chapman listar sina hobbies i "The All-England Summarize Proust Competition"-sketchen: "golf, strangle small animals and masturbation".

    BBC drev igenom att masturbationen klipptes bort, Python-pojkarna var uppe på nåt kontor och argumenterade för att alla – inkluderat BBC-chefen själv – masturberade, och Terry Jones har plockat de poänger han kunnat på att masturberandet snöptes men djurstrypandet blev kvar.Den bästa anekdoten är den om den famösa ”wee wee”-sketchen. En sketch som jag tror skrevs av Eric Idle och som de obstinata Jones och Gilliam snabbt var framme och slogs för gentemot de förtorkade imbecilla kostymerna på BBC, alltmedan John Cleese alldeles uppenbart backstabbade sketchen genom att ta censorernas parti eftersom han tyckte det hela var barnsligt.

    Det var det naturligtvis också. Sketchen går ut på att två män provar vin. Den ene tar en klunk, sköljer runt den på Bengt Frithiofson-manér mellan kinderna och gör en lång gissning utifrån bouquet och arom. Den andre svarar "no, it´s wee wee". Den ene tar en ny klunk ur ett nytt glas, smackar lite extra, gissar på Chardonnay – den andra svarar "no, it´s wee wee". And so on.

    Ja, ni fattar galoppen. För gamla Python-fans är den legendomspunnen på samma sätt som det där avsnittet av "Tårtan" där Janos och Hilding börjar smiska Frasse med kavlar på den uppstoppade baken och alla tre upptäcker att de gillar det – ett avsnitt som lär ha spelats in men aldrig sänts.

    Wee wee-sketchen lär också ha spelats in men klippts bort. Jag har själv aldrig sett den och inte ens i den enorma floran av best ofs och completes och ultimates har jag noterat den. Av berättelserna att döma var det en inspelad sketch och inte ett manus som BBC-bossarna bråkade om.

    Antagligen är den bättre som legend. Jag gillar den upproriska buspojksglimten som tänds i Terry Gilliams ögon när han förklarar exakt hur dumma i huvet mellancheferna var. Ett av glasen de båda vinprovarna drack ur innehöll rosévin – enligt en lika generad som indignerad gatekeeper på den stora public service-kolossen betydde det "menstrual urine". Och det var sannerligen ingenting BBC stod bakom!

    På samma vis tolkade de ett avhugget ben i en makaber läkarsketch som en avhuggen penis. Vilket så klart säjer en del om vilka vanföreställningar den viktorianska sexualrädslan kan leda till.

    Och i vanlig ordning kan vi konstatera att censor aldrig har varit nåt hedervärt och respektingivande yrke. Bland de egenskaper som krävts – tråkighet, oförståelse och förnekande av andras sanningar – har man påfallande ofta kunnat addera också synnerligen sjuk fantasi.

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Avdelningen Bisarra Censuringrepp del 2: det påhittade menstruella blodet.

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Benny Anderssons hobbies.

    Benny Andersson började som organist i Hep Stars. Sen fick han skyhöga skatteskulder och togs om hand av Stikkan Anderssons fru Gudrun, som sanerade hans ekonomi. På Stikkans Polar hittade han en kille som spelat i det halvhippa Hootenanny Singers och haft hittar som "Omkring tiggaren i Loussa" och "Ring ring - här är Svensktoppsjuryn" (mel. Maxwell´s silver hammer).

    De började skriva låtar ihop - "Hej clown", "Partaj aj aj", you name it - och ligga med ett par schlagerstjärnor och rätt vad det var så hade de bisarrt mycket pengar och var älskade av alla jordens människor, särskilt bögar och australiensare, dock ej av svenska proggmusiker.

    Efter ABBA har Björn & Benny febrilt letat efter nya saker att fördriva tiden med. Först köpte de upp sej på Monark ihop med abborna, men skilsmässotrasslet gjorde det inte roligare att engagera sej i nåt så rasande osexigt som en cykelfabrik.

    Så småningom tog Björn klart och tydligt ställning mot religionens inflytande på samhällsdebatten, medan Benny gav en miljon till Gudrun Schyman - och vi kan bara gissa hur häpna deras gamla antagonister inom vänstermusikrörelsen blev.

    Men i övrigt verkar Björn främst ha valt det behagliga livet. Rapporter från honom handlar mest om hur han vill exploatera nån gotlandsö och undvika skatt. Då och då kallar Benny in honom för att skriva texter till de melodier Benny totat ihop medan Björn legat i solstolen.

    Benny är, tror jag, den rastlöse. Likt Elvis Costello kastar han sej mellan de musikaliska genrerna: folkmusik med Orsa spelmän, nån annan sorts folkmusik med BAO, nån tredje sorts folkmusik i Kristina från Duvemåla.

    Men Benny är inte nöjd där. Han vill mer än klia klaveret. För några år sen köpte han ett ruckel vid Mariatorget i Stockholm och rustade upp det till ett mondänmysigt hotell med showsalong. Det heter Rival. Jag var där i helgen och såg en show: Kvarteret Skatan. Det som gjorde mest intryck på mej var kanske det här dörrhandtaget:När det blev upptaget såg det ut så här:Det är ju hur cool som helst! Istället för att visa med en liten grej ovanför handtaget så visar man i själva handtaget huruvida det är upptaget!

    Jag vill gärna föreställa mej att detta är Benny Anderssons personliga bidrag till inredningen. Jag tänker mej att han utarbetat handtagsidén tillsammans med sin fru, Mona (odödliggjord genom "Födelsedagsvals till Mona" med Kalle Moraeus birfilare). Jag föreställer mej att Benny fått en ingivelse när han stått och ryckt i mugghandtaget medan Mona suttit på insidan, eftersom åldern har gjort Benny något skumögd och han inte längre kan skilja rött från vitt ordentligt.

    Det finns nåt fint med par som inte bara dricker vin och ser på teve tillsammans. Måns Herngren och Lena Ph konstruerade ett popbrädspel, Silvia gav häromsistens ut en bönbok (ja, det är lika bisarrt som det låter) som illustrerades med Hans Majestäts egna fotografier.

    Jag vill gärna tänka mej att Benny och Mona har suttit tillsammans under höstkvällarna och stillsamt men engagerat resonerat sej fram till hur man kan piffa upp den där klassiska men oundvikliga toalettdörren. Jag vill tro att Mona plötsligt stannat upp i samtalet - "men vänta Benny! Så här kan man kanske göra!" - och så har hon rafsat åt sej en serviett och skissat upp - kanske inspirerat av nåt resorthotell på Madeira som hon och Benny flytt till under kulna vintermånader - ett genomskinligt plasthandtag med lampor i.

    Och så har Benny sagt: "Mona! Du är ett geni! Du borde ha Nobelpriset!"

    Och så har Mona sagt: "Äsch! Jag är ju bara en okänd figur som ingen riktigt känner till, men som i alla fall har fått min egen födelsedagsvals ..."

    Och så har de fortsatt dricka te i stillhet medan Benny då och då har skrattat till vid tanken på en så enkel men ändå så genial konstruktion. Där och då har Benny förstått varför han dumpade Agnetha - eller om det nu var Anni-Frid - för en påfallande anonym och okänd kvinna.

    Så tänker jag mej att det gick till. Jag har naturligtvis ingen som helst täckning för det resonemanget.

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Benny Anderssons hobbies.

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In the world of Gypsies

    Hello World!
    Gypsy, gitane, bohemian,....
    all those names resonate the sound of freedom and from all societal conventions, norms....
    Whenever I used to think about Gypsies, my reflection was limited to the character of Esmeralda in The Hunchback of the Notre Dame’ movie.... I always wanted to dance like her....
    But behind the facade of those road nomads lay a world of culture and history
    Don’t know about you but this world does fascinate me....
    Gypsies ancestors are said to be originated from the north of India where a group of people left the country between AD 800 and 950 before spreading themselves across countries like Egypt and Europe...
    Always roaming on the road, the lifestyle of the Gypsies was not to the like of everyone...usually unwelcomed where they set their wagons; they were badly perceived and were given a negative reputation and image...
    The Gypsies usually make up their life by doing small jobs or hawking but they were famous for their singing and dancing talent...
    Imagine yourself around a bonfire while a group of gypsies would be singing and playing their musical instrument while the women would be dancing....I would have loved to experience this one day...
    050b Magical Music by Bonfire2
    We cannot talk about the Gypsies without mentioning their belief in being able to foreseen the future...
    The methods used to read and see the future are:
    • Palm reading
    • Tea leaves
    • Crystal ball
    • Tarot cards
    If you wanna more info on Gypsies, check out this blog dedicated to them:
    True or not, I would have loved to have the dancing grace of the Gypsy woman and the ability to read the future in the Tarot cards
    I end today on the video teaser of the new song of Shakira (with the tennisman Rafael Nadal)
    Gitana - Avance 30" - shakira


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In the world of Gypsies

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Leonardo (the actor, not the Turtle)

    Leo - Hero Shot

    In honor of the new Horror/Thriller Shutter Island coming out today I thought I would do a Top Ten List of Martin Scorsese pictures.  Then I realized that three years ago I already made one. So, I decided to make a the list of best Leonardo DiCaprio movies instead.(Judging the movie, not the performance, which would be a different list.)

    Leo's had an interesting career.1  After some early TV work as a kid (including the infamous Growing Pains role), DiCaprio came to prominence with an unexpected Oscar nomination as a retarded boy in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Then it was teen angst films, until a little something I like to call Titanic came around, and Leo-Mania ensued.

    The Leo backlash was predictable and intense, fueled mostly - I believe - by the fact that so many (myself included) were DEEPLY uncomfortable holding any allegiance or admiration to someone worshiped by white girls everywhere.  Leo kept plugging away, and upon finding Scorsese for their first (of 4 so far with #5 in the works) collaboration Gangs of New York.

    From that point Leo's star started to rise steadily again. More Award nominations, Box-Office Muscle, and respect of peers and the general public until you got to 2006, when it became clear - even if still painful to admit - that any serious discussion of Best Actors Under 40 simply HAD to include Leo in the Top 5, if not at the apex. (I've done this list before, informally, but it's out of date; someone remind me - we WILL do it again.2)

    Leo had arrived, and it was cool to like him again.3

    1 Leo's career path reminds me of Justin Timberlake. Initially N*SYNC was the best of the "boy bands," and you'd even bob your head in the car to "Bye Bye Bye" (or if no one was looking, do that puppet-dance thing). But actually LIKE N*SYNC? Not if you were a guy, or a girl over 22. When Timberlake hooked up with Britney it seemed all over. But then they broke up, he wrote the scathing "Cry Me a River," unabashedly emulated MJ's sound, produced some pretty decent pop songs, and started banging every smoking hot chick he could find. He even killed as a SNL Host. Suddenly it was far more acceptable to be a Timberlake fan. Uh, not that I am. No, not at all....

    2 Both Matt Damon and Jon Hamm will fall from the Under-40 ranks in a few months, so the impetus is on. Thank the Light, we've still got some time for Freddie Prinze Jr.

    3 ...Although maybe not by everyone. A couple weeks ago I was talking to a friend of mine about her upcoming baby. She named him Leonardo DaVinci ____, to help inspire the child to greatness.  The middle name was necessary, she claimed, "so the world will never be confused who he was really named after."  I was too scared to ask whether her fear was that people would think her son was named after DiCaprio, or the Ninja Turtle. Personally I would be fine with the Teenage Terrapin being the namesake. After all, Leonardo did lead. You'd want to avoid Raphael, who was cool, but, if my sources can be believed, quite crude.

    Below is the list of Leo's Top Ten Films. Here is his IMDB Page, in case you want to grouse over what I missed. True, I haven't seen a few of them (covered below4), but I did the best I could. If Shutter Island or any of the other  30 projects he's got in development end up any good, we can update the list later on.


    Leo - Marvin's Room
    #10  Marvin's Room -  I saw this movie 14 years ago and my main memory is thinking (then) that young Leo could handle himself on screen with the likes of Meryl Streep and Diane Keaton. Sign of great things to come.

    Leo - Man in the Iron Mask
    #9  The Man in the Iron Mask  -  Iron Mask came out in March of '98, when Titanic was still ruling the Box-Office, had plundered the Oscars, and Leo Mania was in full-bloom. I took my sisters to see it, me wanting to introduce them to a famous literary work, them for....well, they were young. Anyway, at one point a naked male butt appeared on screen and my youngest sister - already at the breaking point with her love for all things Leo - let out a scream like a banshee at a Def Leppard concert. To this day I don't know what embarrasses her more: that she screamed out in a theater like that, or that she did so at the sight of Gerard Depardieu's bulbous pock-marked ass. (I'd link to visual proof, but some things simply cannot be unseen.)

    Leo - Blood Diamond
     #8  Blood Diamond -  Intellectually I was kinda annoyed at how one-dimensional they made a very complex issue, though I enjoyed the movie for all that.  Then again, it's probably the only way to get most people to even pay attention, so hard to complain. I will say that DiCaprio NAILS the Rhodesia accent, which is much tougher than you might expect. (And not for nothing, but Djimon Hounsou absolutely goes in my "Top Ten List of Actors who would be considered Crowe or Penn-level Good if only they were White." Someone remind me, and I'll do the actual Top Ten next week.)

    Leo - Celebrity
    #7  Celebrity -   An overlooked Woody Allen gem, DiCaprio riffed on his then-image by playing the bad-boy actor known for banging models and trashing hotel rooms. The site of Kenneth Branagh (basically channeling the Woody persona) in bed in an accidental foursome with Leo was priceless. (Re-watching this movie with what we know now, it's amazing we didn't see Charlize Theron's potential greatness sooner. She is Ta-Dow!)

    Leo - Catch Me If You Can
    #6  Catch Me If You Can -  Spielberg doesn't get enough credit for how wonderfully he captured the jet-set glamor of Flight in the 1960s. Even I remember when pilots were seen as heroes. DiCaprio is wonderful here, never a false moment of a genius kid pretending to be an adult - but painfully aware he's clomping around in his dad's shoes. Christopher Walken earned a deserved Oscar nomination, Tom Hanks was quietly brilliant, and Amy Adams foreshadowed her ascension.

    Leo - The Aviator
    #5  The Aviator - This film is so perfectly made I should be over the moon with it. I do enjoy it, but maybe Hughes is a hard subject to warm up to. Cate Blanchett won an Oscar and Kate Beckinsale (and even Gwen Stefani!) are pitch-perfect, but Leo holds every scene together. The 2002 double-bill of great performances (along with Catch Me) put Leo back in firm A-List Icon status, but it was this performance, full of Hughes's charm and bravado but also his crippling OCD, that made me realize we were looking at someone who aspired to - and may hit - the Pantheon.

    Leo - Departed Gangs
    #3 (tie) Gangs of New York  and  The Departed - I could rank these two films five different times and switch position every one of them. I noticed in my Scorsese ranking that I had Departed ahead, but I'd just seen it.  Gangs has more flaws, but is also more epic in scope, and while Jack's performance in Departed diminishes a bit with repeated viewings, Daniel Day-Lewis's Bill the Butcher only gets better.  (Damon was great, too, but DiCaprio shown. I know some will disagree, but for my money, Departed definitively showed that Leo is the better actor, or at least has the higher ceiling, and greater range.)

    Leo - Romeo + Juliet
    #2  William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet  -   I went back and forth on my top two more than a few times wanting to make this #1. Ultimately I realized I was A) picking my favorite of Leo's films over what is the best and B) unconsciously afraid of the backlash. Afraid? Me? Bring it on. But we'll get to that. In its own right, R+J is one of the most underrated movies of the '90s, a film that at the time was crushed by critics. They were just scared, seeing true Visionary Art as avant garde pretentiousness. They were wrong. I cannot tell you how great this movie is. The film is by Baz Luhrmann, who went on to make Moulin Rouge! next. (I suppose I either just made my case in one sentence, or turned you off from R+J forever. I'll live with that.) Luhrmann uses Shakespeare's dialogue from the play, which had been done before (some time check out Ian McKellan's terrific Richard III), but never quite like this. It sounds so hokey, but the key decision (in my opinion) was to change the gun names from Beretta and Colt to Dagger and Long-Sword. (And don't even get me started on the Fishtank/Des'ree scene.  MAGIC.) Exquisitely matching soundtrack to film in a way that put Luhrmann on the Mount Rushmore5 of Directors who know how to use Source Music,6 Romeo + Juliet is a kaleidoscope of wonder, heart-thumping romance, and simmering lust. One of the most romantic movies of all time.7  There. I said it. Deal.

    And the #1 Leonardo DiCaprio movie ever (so far) is......

    Leo - Titanic

    Leo - TitanicSteamy
    #1  Titanic -   I can already feel the hate-mail brewing, and all I have to say is, it's time to come out of the closet, people. Look, I get it. The teenage girl/Leo thing was ridiculous, and it made even the most heterosexual man feel very uncomfortable. And the movie was such a Cultural Flag, you couldn't not talk about it in the spring of '98. Our society being what it is, it was only natural that wave after wave of protest would lap at the hull of Titanic's popularity. (I just realized that with a little moxie I could make 10 more groaningly bad boat puns before I'm done, and since the next end-note already subjects you to my oddball sense of humor, I promise to stop now. You owe me.) 

    Titanic was everywhere. James Cameron was everywhere. Jack and Rose were everywhere. Leo Mania was everywhere. THAT DAMNED SONG was everywhere, and along with it, Celine Dion became a permanent fixture in our lives for the next decade. It was all too much. I get it. I really do. But that does not change the fact that Titanic was one helluva great movie. Disaster movies are tough to pull off.  They usually fail. Ship movies are tough to pull off.  Cheesy Romances are tough as nails to pull off. You put all three together? James Cameron had to make us simultaneously believe the boat was actually sinking, that 2000 people were in danger of dying, care about them, freeze right along with them, all while caring about the fate of two random people who really didn't know much about anything. AND HE DID IT! We've come to recognize Kate Winslet as one of the best actresses alive. Avatar forced us to acknowledge Cameron is worth the hype: he really is the King of this world, and possibly others. We've even forgiven and come around on Leo; hence this list. But many people haven't forgiven Titanic. You know why? Besides all the reasons I mentioned, you loved Titanic initially. You did. You were swept up, maybe you even cried a little. Then you felt like part of the maddening crowd when you realized every other person on the planet had a similar experience. So you rebelled. You pretended you never liked it. You trashed the actors, the director, the dialogue - anything you could. But you know and I know that deep down inside you - your heart will go on.  And that's okay. Put your arms out and soar, baby: I won't let you fall.

    February 19, 2010

    4 Leo Movies I have not seen - Haven't yet traveled with Kate and Leo in Revolutionary Road, but no one has been falling all over themselves with praise. This writer's eyes haven't seen Leo's first real movie, This Boy's Life, and can't find anyone who has, though by all accounts it is good.  For some reason I have not digested What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, for which Leo got an Oscar nomination back in the day before becoming a household name. The Wikipedia plot account sounds absolutely ghastly, but I'm assured by Koz and Kaida that it's quite good - Kaida said it was the "feel good gigantic woman retarded boy house burning pool drowning face slapping movie of the year." Well then. I'd have to check my journal, but I'm pretty sure I have not seen The Basketball Diaries - though I did watch a lot of the Columbine coverage several years later, so I think I'm okay. Finally, I have not yet had a day with Leo at The Beach. For what it's worth, when I called Carlos to see if he had any insight on the movies I'd missed (or Leo in general), I found the Wolf-Cat in surprisingly eloquent form. Besides explaining the evolution of late '90s Boy-Bands to a "Doctoral Thesis-Defense" degree, Carlos had this to say: "Leo's best movie was Romeo + Juliet. His best character was the guy in Basketball Diaries. But his best performance, in my opinion, was in The Beach." All right, Wolf-Cat; now you got me curious.

    6 Source Music is previously-recorded music you put into a film - usually pop songs or classical pieces. They can be "in" the movie - like on the radio or TV, or part of the soundtrack.  This is opposed to Score, which is composed directly for the film. (Think Star Wars.) Yes, I realize I put 6 before 5, but that's because 5 references Source Music so heavily that if you didn't already know what it was you'd have to go back and read the next footnote again.  Who loves you?  Who loves you?  That's right: Uncle Hypey.

    5 The Mount Rushmore concept is pretty simple - four people (or fast food restaurants or TV shows or whatever the case may be) that define the very best of your subject. I would want to take some time to hash it out, but off the top of my head, my Mount Rushmore for Directors using Source Music would be Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, Baz Luhrmann and I was going to say John Hughes, but I just looked at his IMDB page, and though he had some all-time greats as far as Source Music goes, he only directed a few films, so we'll leave the fourth spot open, for now.

    7 I am absolutely going to have to write a review for Romeo + Juliet, as it deserves to take its rightful place among the movie gods. Maybe a running diary, with time-stamp cues so you can watch and read my comments at the appropriate time? I'm tempted.

    Reviews for several of these films can be found at Movie Hype.

    Leo - B&W

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