Izzy's favorite countries

    [Last night at Dennys I sat down with one of my favorite people, Izzy to do a top ten list. Sadly, it didn't go quite as planned, but luckily I wrote down everything she said, so it worked out. We were supposed to do her top TEN favorite countries, but as you can see.....]

    #8 Sweden

    Hyperion: Why?

    Izzy: 'Cause everyone is beautiful there

    Hyperion: Even the men?

    Izzy: Especially the men

    #7 Sri Lanka

    Izzy: It has a cool name, and has a line on the flag...I think (see for yourself)

    #6 America

    Hyperion: I'm shocked. Why?

    Izzy: Because they have good movies and everyone else hates them

    Hyperion: What's next?

    Izzy: I don't know. There's not that many countries I actually like. You're going to have to make this a top five list instead of a top ten. [Editor's Note: We tried very hard to get to 10, but Izzy just couldn't do it.]

    #5 England

    Izzy: Because they have bangers and mash, and bad teeth.

    Hyperion: I'm trying to think of a "Bangers" joke, but nothing's coming to me.

    Izzy: I'm actually British. I was born there. I lived there for ten years.

    #4 Australia

    Izzy: Because they have all the cute animals, like Dingoes

    Hyperion: Dingoes are vicious animals

    Izzy: Yeah, but they are sooooo cute.

    Hyperion: This explains your taste in men

    Izzy: Shut up! (hits me)

    #3 Italy

    Izzy: Because they make all the good food

    #2 China

    Hyperion: I thought you hated all things Asian

    Izzy: No way! I only hate one Asian, and that's because he's a terror. (The night-time cook is a rough customer)

    Hyperion: Why China?

    Izzy: Because I like Hong Kong. They ran out of room so they made an island for their airport.

    Hyperion: Hong Kong is an island.

    Izzy: Yeah, but they built a man-made island, just for the airport.

    [At this point, we should have been up to #3]

    Hyperion: What else?

    Izzy: I can't think of any. You asked me at the worst time. You have no idea how draining it is t work here. It just sucks all the ability out of me.

    Hyperion: Okay: What's your very favorite country in the world?

    Izzy: Uhhhhhhh….Oh, I got it!

    #1 The Netherlands

    Hyperion: Why on Earth?

    Izzy: Because they have so many names…and you can do a lot of drugs…that's probably why they have so many names. You're not going to put that, are you?

    Hyperion: Of course not, Izzy. We'll just keep that between you and me.

    Izzy: Good. I'd hate for people to think I'm just some spazz who likes drugs.

    Hyperion: I'd worry more that people might think you hate everyone. What about South America?

    Izzy: I don't like any countries in South America.

    Hyperion: Did you have a bad experience with a "Pedro"?

    Izzy: (laughing) No, all good experiences, they're (South America) just not my favorite countries. I don't dislike them…

    Hyperion: What about Africa?

    Izzy: I've never been there. I don't know enough about them to say.

    Hyperion: What about Canada?

    Izzy: (voice low, to make sure no one around hears) Not the biggest fan

    There you have it

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Izzy's favorite countries

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