
    Good morning! Outside the green on the trees and ground is starting to emerge as temperatures rise. One common sight we associated with spring is the robin pulling up a worm. The robin is our state bird, so let me tell you little bit about it:

    *Robins have a long life span. Some have been reported living up to 17 years!

    *Robins weigh about 2.5 to 3 ounces.

    *Their wingspan measures 14.74 to 16.5 inches wide.

    *It is also the state bird for Michigan and Connecticut.

    *Flight speed is 17 to 32 mph.

    *Number of feather is about 2,900.

    Go learn some more about our state bird! Enjoy spring.


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Weather Update

    What a beautiful day. The sun is out and it is 74 degrees! It is finally feeling like Spring here in the Northwoods. Many people have been out and about releasing their "cabin fever" from the long Winter! I've seen many out biking, jogging, and hiking which tells me that Summer is right around the corner! The new bike trail from St. Germain to Sayner is an excellent adventure as well as the many hiking trails in the area. With the temps up and the ice off the lake our maintenace crew will begin pier installation very soon. Fishing opener is in less than two weeks away - if the weather remains like it is today, opening weekend will be absolutly perfect!


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Weather Update

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Geocaching Update

    As you know, the Great Northwoods Treasure Hunt began in March. Enthusiastic geocachers have been out, and the caches have been found many times! They range in difficulty, and between Boulder Junction, Rhinelander, and St. Germain, there are so many different and unique caches! The weather is prime for going out; no bugs, not too hot, etc. Get out there and give it a try!


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Geocaching Update

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Coming Up...

    Arbor Day is coming up on April 27th, the last Friday of this month. Let me tell you a little bit about the history of Arbor Day...

    *Nebraskans planted more than a million trees on April 10, 1872, in celebration of the first Arbor Day.

    *The first Arbor Day fulfilled the dream of Julius Sterling Morton, a newspaper editor and former governor of the Nebraska Territory. Morton, an ardent proponent of forestation, lobbied for years for a holiday to encourage the planting of trees.

    *In 1885, thirteen years after Arbor Day was first celebrated, Nebraskans changed the date to April 22 in honor of Morton's birthday. Arbor Day is now officially celebrated worldwide on the last Friday in April.

    *By 1907, Arbor Day was observed in every state in the Union, principally through school programs.

    *Schoolchildren were urged, through these celebrations, to consider the planting of a tree as a patriotic, even pious, act, as well as a sound investment and a contribution to community aesthetics.

    These facinating facts were found at the Library of Congress - American Memory website.

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Coming Up...

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Winter Weather is Back

    Well, we have only received around 3 inches of snow, but the colder temperatures are back! The wind chill factor is cold today, dropping temperatures down to around zero. What a change! The sun is out right at this moment, but wintry conditions are supposed to continue through the next few days...


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Winter Weather is Back

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More Snow?!?!

    After our initial spring burst of warm temperatures it has cooled down, and snow is on the way! The snow should start tomorrow, and they said that we should get 4 to 8 inches by Wednesday morning. However, we never get as much snow as they call for. We'll see what happens!


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More Snow?!?!

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