Chilled to the Bone!

    It is currently 11 degrees above zero here in St. Germain! As temperatures drop, we are not looking forward to Sunday...when the high temp will be -5! But, after all, it is winter. Stay warm!

    Snowmobile trails are good to fair condition, but they are a little icy! Caution is recommended even on the straight stretches! Lakes are well frozen and marked. We are expecting snowfall on Friday and we are hoping it will accumulate! Think snow!

    Cross country ski trails are in good condition, and tracks are set. The snow is dry, so conditions are fast! -- Bess

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Chilled to the Bone!

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    It is currently snowing here. The snow is light so it may take a while to accummulate but it will be a nice addition to the existing base on the trails. Groomers have been out regularly and the trails are listed in fair to good condition. The guests that stayed this past weekend were very satisfied with the trail conditions especially north east of St. Germain. The lakes are marked and are very smooth. Temperatures are going to be in the teens this week which is perfect for snowmobiling.


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Put Tracy Lynn In Charge

    In honor of Tracy Lynn's birthday, and in view of her, um, uniqute talents, I have compiled a Top Five List of things

    Tracy Lynn Should be in Charge of:

    #5 The Cartoon Network - Who here doesn't think TL could overhaul it and throw out the crappy cartoons, and possibly split the Channel into a Kids' and full-time Adult version? I for one would pay HBO prices for a Cartoon Network run by her.

    #4 Bitch-Slapping Idiots - When I rule the world, this will be a full-time cabinet level position. First up: those idiot parents of that poor boy they found last week who keep dragging him on every show imaginable. Cock your wrist, TL.

    #3 Finding bin Laden - It's the perfect bait: If the Bocacious Rack can't draw bin Laden out of hiding, nothing can.

    #2 Running Haiti - Seriously: someone needs to help those poor people. I can't think of anyone with a better combination of compassion/tough love than our girl.


    #1 Ninja - Every since Diana died the Ninja have been leaderless. The time has come, Tracy Lynn. Now more than ever, the Ninja need you. Will you accept the call?

    Happy Birhtday, TL, and I hope to see all of you again soon.

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Put Tracy Lynn In Charge

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Snow Conditions

    Good morning! We received about a half inch of snow last evening, making the roads a little slick! The World Championship Snowmobile Derby in Eagle River wrapped up yesterday, once again attracting crowds of snowmobile fans from around the world.

    Flurries will be falling throughout the morning, and some snow is in the forecast for later this week! Snowmobile trails are in good to fair condition, but they are little icy, especially around the corners. Be careful! The trails become a little rough towards Eagle River, and they are best between St. Germain and Sayner/Boulder Junction.

    Cross country ski trails are in good condition with a layer of powder over an established base. The majority of trails are tracked. Conditions are good for both skate and classic skiing, so get out there and give it a try!

    Snowshoe trails are in good condition as well. There are many new models of snowshoes out there on the market...rediscover this ancient sport and take some time to enjoy some snowy wilderness!


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Snow Conditions

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Derby Weekend Update

    A couple more inches of snow fell overnight, it's cold today (13 degrees right now) and Derby Weekend is upon us! Friday Night Thunder this evening at the races includes awesome snow-cross action, then the oval races continue through Sunday. --Diane

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Derby Weekend Update

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We Have Snow!

    Last night we received around 3 to 4 inches of snow...and it is still lightly snowing! The Northwoods is looking a little bit more like itself! The snow was light and fluffy, due to the fact that we have had colder temperatures in the last week or so. It is hovering around 13 degrees right now, but it feels a lot colder! Dress warmly, in layers!

    The snowmobile trails are open, but the groomer have not been out yet! They should go out tonight, and with the base we already have, the riding should be nice! After setting tonight, tomorrow morning's riders should get the best of it! The lakes do have ice, but remember to stay where it is marked! There has been some open water reported, and these areas should be marked off.

    Cross country ski conditions are great for skate skiing! We already have a base, so once the trails are groomed and have set, they will be great! Get out that headlamp, and try a little night skiing tonight! Try a little HydroCarbon Toko Wax which is great for all disciplines of skiing, and many snow conditions!

    Snowshoers have fair conditions right now. The snowfall in the woods is a little less, and snow is more apt to shift, kicking up some dirt that may have been exposed before the snowfall. Trails should be in fair condition, so give it a try!

    Stay warm, and think more snow!


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We Have Snow!

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A Tiny Bit of History

    The 44th World Championship Snowmobile Derby starts officially tomorrow, kicking off with the vintage snowmobile races. As the derby track in Eagle River expects crowds of over 30,000 fans, the inseparable combination of winter and snowmobile racing has begun to fire up those dedicated to the sport.

    But did you know that the first snowmobile derby was held on February 9, 1964 on Dollar Lake in Eagle River? News of the "World's First Snowmobile Derby" was released into the Midwestern media and the new concept of a winter sport attracted between 2,000 and 3,000 people, surprising even the sponsors of the event. Although a "world champion" was not announced, first honors went to an eighth-grader from Crandon, WI named Stan Hayes. Hayes had never driven a snowmobile before.

    The Eagle River Derby grew, and now has become the winter highlight for many fans across the world. Come join us as we cheer on those racers!


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A Tiny Bit of History

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Send in the Snow

    Our snowmobiling has slowly come to a halt as we wait for snow. The snowmobile trails are still open, but they are in poor condition. The colder weather is slowly coming as it has cooled down in the last few days. Ice fishing is still an option, but parts of the lakes are not considered safe.

    Cross country skiing is still going, but there are not any tracked trails. Skating is doable, but the snow is icy and hard. If you are brave enough to get out there, try some red Toko wax on your rock skis.

    Snowshoeing is possible, but the snow cover in the woods is less than out in the open, and it is icy! Wait for some snow!

    Snow is in the forecast for tonight, and through the next week! Hopefully this will bring us good snow for all of our favorite winter pastimes! Think snow!


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Send in the Snow

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New Year Brought Some Snow :)

    Happy 2007 to all! We awoke New Year's Day to fresh fallen snow again. Snowmobile trail conditions are fair to poor and vary thoroughout our riding area. Guests who are here are happy they came and they are snowmobiling.

    There have been reports of better conditions toward Sugar Camp, and we suggest you stop at a few of our favorites: White Stag for dinner (garlic lovers --order yours Dave's way) and for a more casual atmosphere try Knockers (excellent sandwiches and pizza). We are experiencing some mild temps this week -- with more snow in our forecast so stay tuned to our weather reports and trail updates.

    This Saturday we will all be heading over to Fibber's on Big Saint for the Polar Plunge at high noon! This is a huge fundraiser for Angel on my Shoulder -- an organization that supports caregivers of cancer patients. You won't want to miss the many local 'celebs' as they belly flop into Big Saint Germain Lake!

    -Diane Misina

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New Year Brought Some Snow :)

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