
    It has been raining, and the snowmobile trails are in poor condition. We need snow! The lakes are not totally safe, and some open water has been blocked off. There is some snow in the forecast, so we are hopeful!

    Cross country skiing conditions are still only favorable for skate skiing. There are some tracks set at area trails, but are very wet. Get out those rock skis!

    Snowshoeing is something that you can do, but there are sticks and leaves in the trails and woods. We simply need snow!


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Midweek Trails

    Locals and visitors continue to ride the trails, and it continues to be beautiful! One of our guests mentioned that the trails were in good condition for this time of year. Another said that the trails were good in some spots, and rough in others. Little St. Germain Lake has been marked today, as it is safe to cross. Remember to stay where it is marked! There is snow in the forecast, with our best accumulation expected at the beginning of the weekend. Trails have not been overrun, and continue to be in fair condition. Ride safely!


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Midweek Trails

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From the Experts

    Experts say that the trails will be good for early riders today. Areas around us did get up to nine inches of snow within the last few days. After the temperature dropped last night, the trails have become a little more stable than yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful out! However, most lakes are not considered totally safe. The trails are rideable, and will be worth giving a try! The forecast is predicting snow for Christmas Day, and later during the week.

    Our cross country ski guru reports that the cross country ski trails are icy after a cold night, and will continue to be poor until we get more snow. As of right now, the snow is not deep enough for grooming tracks. For skating wax today, try a mix of ToKo red and yellow glide wax for this morning, and yellow for later this afternoon.

    Be safe!


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From the Experts

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The Trails Are Open!

    The snowmobile trails have officially opened today! We recieved roughly five inches of snow yesterday, and the groomers went out at about 9 this morning. The new snow is very wet and packy...great for a base! Although they are open, the trails will be rough. However, many of the lakes are not open yet, as most are not safe. Use caution when riding, and do not go onto the lakes if they are not marked!

    Some cross country ski trails are open, and those trails that are groomed are just packed down by snowmobile. Skating technique is the only option on groomed trails, as we need more snow for the classic technique. Try some yellow ToKo glide wax on those skate skis! Once it gets colder, this snow will form an excellent base.

    Snowshoeing will be hard with this wet snow, so let it cool off a little before you try out those woods!

    Stay tuned for new snowfall!


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The Trails Are Open!

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It's going to be a White Christmas!

    It started snowing this afternoon around 4pm and has been coming down heavily since. We will post a photo in the morning with additional updates. Forecast is for 6-10 inches. Stay tuned...

    -Diane & John Misina

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It's going to be a White Christmas!

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Dreaming of a White Christmas....

    Sad to say, most of the snow is gone due to rain! The forecast is not looking so good either. The song, "I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas," has become most people's thoughts! Although a few sad, white patches remain, the rain has demolished whatever snow we had. The lakes are slushy and not safe, however, I have noticed people ice fishing on a safely covered cove or bay throughout the county.

    The snowmobile trails were scheduled to open on Monday, but those have been postponed, and are due to open at any time...whenever we get the snow. Cross country ski and snowshoe trails have a little snow, but not enough for a good base. Stay tuned!

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Dreaming of a White Christmas....

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Welcome Winter!

    After a warm November temperatures have dropped into the 20s during the daytime and Snow now covers the ground. Yesterday the lake effect snow began falling and continued off and on today leaving us 2-3" on the ground! The lake effect snow is to continue for the next couple of days and the temps are going to be in the teens or 20s. It won't be long and ice fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing will be in full force. We are excited for another snowy winter of fun here in the Northwoods!

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Welcome Winter!

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